The Pollination Project

We hope this list is useful to you as you prepare your application! Applications which do not meet these criteria will automatically be declined, so please take the time to ensure your application matches our guidelines.

The Purpose of a Pollination Project Seed Grant is to support passionate, committed people with an early-stage social change vision. We fund individuals and community groups, and you do not need to be a registered or established organization to apply.

Our Grants are designed to:

  1. Support passionate, committed people with a social change vision.
  2. Support projects in their early stage of development and where a small amount of money will go a very long way – we want to kick start your dreams for a better world.
  3. Help ensure sustainability of your work by building resilience or fundraising ability– during review, we often ask: “what happens once the grant runs out?”
  4. Cover costs such as supplies, program materials, direct travel expenses for program implementation, website fees, discounted professional services, printing, copying, promotional costs, technical support.
  5. Pay for 501(c)(3) filing fees and expenses only if your project meets our specific conditions.
  6. Support projects with a clear target audience, and a compelling plan to reach and impact that target audience in a positive way. If your project involves video or other media production, then this element of your plan will receive particularly careful attention from our team.
  7. Support projects that do not expect to earn profit, or where any income will be used for a purely charitable effort. We do also offer Pay it forward loans to support for-profit social benefit projects.