Peter Stebbings Memorial Charity

The Peter Stebbings Memorial Charity (“the Charity”) gives grants to registered charities in the UK, usually operating in London, and also in the developing world. Generally grants go to charities where the grant will make a difference and where the Trustees can see how the money is being used.

In the Developing World

The Charity supports charities which operate in the developing world. However, it receives many such approaches and the following guidance is offered to provide more focus to those considering making an application. (This is in addition to the exclusions listed in Grants Policy).

  • Education. The Charity would not normally directly assist a school or college, but is interested in supporting access to education for groups or communities who have limited access, through distance, poverty, discrimination, or exclusion.
  • Basic skills and tools. Assistance towards increasing skills to enhance a community’s capacity and independence. Particularly to build local assets such as village schools, clinics, wells and sanitation.
  • Health. The Charity would not normally directly fund a clinic or hospital, but is keen to assist basic training in health care, disease prevention, and in low tech/ low cost proven solutions to endemic problems (eg trachoma treatment, immunisation programmes).
  • Sanitation, irrigation, hygiene and access to clean water. The Charity is interested in schemes to improve such basics, particularly with simple and repeatable measures. This includes measures for power, light and cooking.
  • Women. Projects which enhance women’s education where opportunities have been limited, life choices, economic power, reproductive rights and safer childbirth. Microfinance projects aimed at women.
  • Help for marginalised communities. For instance the Dalits in India, and pastoralists in east Africa.


Application Deadlines

The Trustees meet twice a year to allocate grants.

The deadline for the winter meeting is 30th November. The meeting will take place in January, and successful applicants will receive their grants in February/March.

The deadline for the summer meeting is 13th May. The meeting will take place in July, and successful applicants will receive their grants in August/September.

As we receive such a large number of applications, we ask that you do not wait until the day of the deadline before sending in an application if possible.